The first tradition that is a must for a Goan wedding is CHUDDO In the Goan wedding culture, bangles are an important bridal accessory. It is a custom where the Goan bride has to wear the best bangles possible. These bangles of a particular colour and design are called ‘chuddo’. They are usually purchased from the regular/local bangle-seller of the village, known as the volar or kankonkar who is often invited over to the home. The bangles are made of glass and very delicate. This ceremony is usually performed at the house of the maternal uncle of the bride. These bangles represent the married life and hence if her husband passes away or dies then the woman is made to break her bangles over the coffin and the pieces thrown in. The number and colour of the bangles differ from village to village. For the ceremony, the bangles are fitted onto the wrists of the bride-to-be by the volar. Relatives take the opportunity and get some bangles for thems...
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