
Showing posts from March, 2018


The saddo takes place a few days before the wedding. It is the name of the dress and the ceremony of cutting and sewing the dress. Saddo is to be worn on the first day after the marriage. It has to be red in colour or red and white. All neighbours gather and the professional ovio (songs of praise) singers are called in. The tailor sews the dress while the women sing in the background. There's coconut cake and tea to go around for everybody. The people leave a tip for the tailor on their way out.
After the wedding ceremony comes the ‘Appoune’ or ‘Porthopon’. In this tradition, the bride’s family invites the groom’s family over to their house usually the next day of the wedding. The bride wears a bright red saree or dress called ‘Saddo’. It starts with the pre-wedding tradition, then the day the bride and groom get hitched, ‘second day’ and there’s surely more. There are many traditional customs that take place in the span of these 4 to 5 days, they might be small traditions but they are critical because they have a big meaning to them. All these traditions are carried out with the whole family from both the bride’s side as well as the groom’s side. Making it a family affair and strengthening the familial ties. Enjoying every bit of the wedding from start to finish. That is how amazing our big fat Goan weddings are At the end of the reception all relatives and friends of the bridal couple who have remained till the end draw an imaginary line known as 'xim'....


On the wedding day, a close relative of the groom who is supposed to help the bride dress up comes to her house with the wedding dress and other items. Before going to the church all close relatives and friends bless the bride and the groom in their respective residences. The wedding car comes to pick the bride after reaching the groom to the church. Here at the nuptials the couple declare the wedding vows and the priest then pronounces them man and wife.  After this on their return from church, the newly wedded couple comes to the groom's house and the groom's mother puts a gold chain on the bride's neck and places the 'saddo' on her shoulder. Prayers are recited or sung, an example of the Tedeao. Tedeao Laudate Domino, omnes gentes, Laudate eum Omnes populi Quonian Comfirmate et super nos Misericordia ejus Et Veritas Dominie manet iu eternu Gloria Patri it Falio, et spiritui Sauto Siput erat iu principio Et nune et semper Et iu secula Seculorem Amen. They then pr...


‘Bhuim Jevon’ This is a meal in honour of the family’s ancestors known as ‘bikaraimche jevon’. This meal is for the beggars and poor people in and around the village. There are many such traditions like this which are not carried out today


The second traditional is a ritual called ‘Ros’ This is the anointing ceremony where both the bride and the groom are anointed with coconut milk by their parents, relatives, neighbours and friends in their respective houses. This is usually done 2 to 3 days prior to the wedding. This ceremony symbolizes the beginning of new life. The coconut milk is used and is said to cleanse or purify the couple before the wedding, which also signifies the end of their single lives. The ones anointing the couple have a lot of fun as they get to break eggs on the couple’s heads and throw coins or cash into the bowls which are later given to the maids that helped in the preparations


The first tradition that is a must for a Goan wedding is CHUDDO In the Goan wedding culture, bangles are an important bridal accessory. It is a custom where the Goan bride has to wear the best bangles possible. These bangles of a particular colour and design are called ‘chuddo’. They are usually purchased from the regular/local bangle-seller of the village, known as the  volar or  kankonkar  who is often invited over to the home. The bangles are made of glass and very delicate. This ceremony is usually performed at the house of the maternal uncle of the bride. These bangles represent the married life and hence if her husband passes away or dies then the woman is made to break her bangles over the coffin and the pieces thrown in. The number and colour of the bangles differ from village to village. For the ceremony, the bangles are fitted onto the wrists of the bride-to-be by the  volar.  Relatives take the opportunity and get some bangles for thems...

Hello fellow friends

Its been long that I have been waiting for this time to start blog on the Goan Catholic Weddings ,The things that make a memorable wedding ,through the traditions and the fun during the time, is all that I want to share with you all . It not only about the wedding day but its about the ceremonies ,the traditions, the family members,relatives ,neighbors and friends who help the bride and groom to make their wedding day to  A BIG FAT GOAN WEDDING. Because Goans definitely take every celebration and especially weddings very seriously .!☺